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December 2009
The 2009 Florence Howe AwardMLA View DetailsEach year, the Florence Howe Award for feminist scholarship recognizes two outstanding essays by feminist scholars, one from the field of English and one from a foreign language. The recipient is announced at the annual MLA meeting. For consideration, essays of 25-30 pages written from a feminist perspective must be published in English between June 2008 and September 2009. Submit 3 copies to Dr. Theresa Kulbaga, Dept. of English, Miami University, 1601 University Blvd., Hamilton, OH 45011,
(Deadline: November 15, 2009. WCML membership required. Information at: |
December 29, 2009 (Tuesday) @ 8:30 AM
Transnational FeminismsMLA Panel 376 View DetailsIndependence Salon I, Phil Marriott
Cynthia M. Tompkins, Chair, Arizona State University
“How and where does transnational feminism intersect with transatlantic studies?”
Respondent: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Columbia University
Sara Castro-Klarén, Johns Hopkins University
“‘Espejitos y espejismos:’ Sexual Violence, Disposability, and Human Rights”
Ana Forcinito, University of Minnesota
“‘Justice to Their Voices:’ Literature as Social Commentary in Chicana and Mexicana Lives”
Anna Marie Sandoval, University of California, Long Beach |
December 29, 2009 (Tuesday) @ 5:15 PM
Feministas Unidas, Women in German, Women in FrenchCash Bar - MLA View DetailsArranged by Women in German 29-DEC-09 at 5:15-6:30 p.m., Loews Philadelphia |
December 30, 2009 (Wednesday) @ 1:45 PM
Over Ten Million Served: Gendered Service in Language and Literature WorkplacesMLA Panel 754 View Details1:45-3:00 p.m. 30-DEC-09 in 303, Philadelphia Marriott
Discussants: Michelle Massé, Chair, Louisiana State University
Katie Hogan, Carlow University
Kirsten Christensen, Pacific Lutheran University
Mary Burgan, Life Member |
February 1, 2013 (Friday)
CFP: Chicago MLA 2014Due date for CFP: MLA 2014 in Chicago View Details129th MLA Annual Convention will take place in Chicago from 9 to 12 January 2014
Feministas Panel
From the Conquest narratives of the New World and Spanish Inquisition testimonies to the ravages of the Spanish Civil War, ETA and, more recently, the March 3rd, 2004 train bombings in Madrid, Spain has struggled with the problem of terrorism. Likewise, Latin America and the Caribbean have seen their share of terrorist activities as dictators and factions as diverse as the FARC and Sendero Luminoso have unleashed their vitriol on citizens. In this panel, we seek to engage the language of violence/terrorism in its diverse forms as it has manifested itself in the works of women writers, film makers and visual artists of the Spanish-speaking and U.S. Latina worlds. We invite proposals for twenty-minute papers from scholars whose work focuses on questions such as: What is terrorism? How is terrorism related to exile? How is violence/terrorism related to women's experience/women's creativity/woman's (in)visibility? To what extent is the rhetoric of a “war on terror” or “horror” gendered and how has this rhetoric changed over time from a feminist perspective? How has “terror” manifested itself, or conversely, remained invisible, in Spanish language literature, film and visual culture by women? From a feminist perspective, what draws the reader’s attention to the “spectacle” of terror? What ethical or moral responsibilities do women have to teach materials to students of Spanish and to what ends? Send 250-word abstracts as attachments to Maria DiFrancesco ( by February 1, 2013. Panelists must be members of Feministas Unidas and the MLA to participate. |